Monday 21 February 2011


Letitia Coyne | 2006-01-01 00:00:00 | Letitia Coyne | 219 | Fiction
Aya grew as a filthy scavenger, trailing the Bedouin caravans that crossed the Nafud wastes and the Rub’ al Khali. Bought from the arena as a young man, his new life as Sethos, the adopted son of a wealthy Roman merchant, is stained by the stigma of his past.
Jaida and her sisters were raised in luxurious slavery, destined to be the virgin oracles of Isis at provincial temples throughout the empire. When the fall of a dice brings the girls’ future into question, it is Seth who must define freedom and slavery, life or liberty – for himself and for them.
He has money, strength and cunning, and she has no more than her faith.
The gods are fickle. When they move among men, they all have their own pieces in play, some fuelled by anger, greed and vengeance.
But Isis is Queen of Heaven - Goddess of ten thousand names; she is every goddess. For every god of stone and wood, she is their mother, their sister, their lover and their nemesis.
And somewhere she will have an accounting....
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