Friday 11 February 2011

Blueprints Obstetrics and Gynecology (Blueprints Series)

Blueprints Obstetrics and Gynecology (Blueprints Series)
Tamara L. Callahan,Aaron B. Caughey | 2008-12-08 00:00:00 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 368 | Medical Assistants

One of the best selling and highly regarded volumes in the Blueprints series, Blueprints Obstetrics and Gynecology provides students with a concise review of what they need to know in their ob/gyn rotations or the Boards. Each chapter is brief and includes pedagogical features such as bolded key words, tables, figures, and Key Points. A question-and-answer section at the end of the book presents 100 board-format questions with rationales. The newest techniques in contraception and sterilization and hormone replacement therapies are covered, as are contemporary treatment options for uterine fibroids and invasive breast cancer.

A companion Website includes a question bank and fully searchable text.

Personally I need books that explain things thoroughly in order for me to understand concepts. That's why I enjoyed Goljian's pathology book over BRS pathology after having used BRS pathology for 2/3 of my pathology course. This Blueprints book lies somewhere between how factual BRS path is and how Goljian's pathology is in terms of level of explanations. It's well written and easy to understand. But, many times it doesn't take the time to explain reasons or concepts behind various pathological findings or testings or why various testing findings are the way they are. That's why I'm not rating it as a 5 star product. Otherwise it's been a pleasure reading this book.
This is an excellent source for a beginner learning OB/GYN. It has a good breadth of information from labor and delivery to GYN oncology, and it is well written. It reads like a textbook, but the author does an excellent job keeping important points in without filling the page with extraneous information. I was happy with how simplistic it was to read for a 3rd year med student. It really doesn't require any outside resource to understand, and it has more than enough information to get you through your shelf exam at the end of a clerkship. It does have its downfalls, however. The questions at the end of the book are great, but they don't allow you to practice questions at the end of each chapter. Also, it fails to lack that clinical teaching that helps students recognize the condition when it is presented in a clinical vignette. For these reasons, I recommend using Case Files along with this book, which is an excellent companion.
This book is pretty much to the point. If you are looking for more wordy info,...get another book. But it's quick & dirty which is awesome for medical students. It's an easy read for boards!! I like this book so far.
This is the first time I've used Blueprints. It is written in textbook format, which I don't like, but it is also terse and only tells you what you need to know. I just outline it and study off my outline.
Yes. Awesome. Practically everything you will need to know for your rotation, but definately comprehensive enough to cover your OB/GYN needs outside of OB/GYN and probably 100% of your OB/GYN step material. For sure. Could probably use a little more fetal heart monitor interpretation.

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