Sunday, 6 March 2011

Sheep and Goat Medicine

Sheep and Goat Medicine
D. G. Pugh DVM MS | 1900-01-01 00:00:00 | Saunders | 468 | Veterinary Medicine
This text is designed as a user-friendly textbook for the mixed practice large animal veterinarian. The text covers all aspects (medicine, surgery, theriogenology, and nutrition) of sheep and goats. Descriptions of common medical and surgical and reproductive procedures appear throughout the textbook enhanced by many photographs, diagrams, and charts. It covers all major body systems, herd health, physical examination, nutrition, anesthesia, and multisystem diseases. It is a practical, easy-to-read reference.
This is a straightforward book that has more information than the sheep and goat guides geared for lay people. A lot of small flock folks have vets who don't do much sheep medicine, or it is geared for large commercial flocks. So it is very helpful to be able to be able to have the information you need to make decisions about problems in the flock that may differ from a commercial sheep grower's decision about an individual animal.

I might be a little odd, but I read the whole book and enjoyed it.
I returned this book after ordering it because I found it significantly less accurate, smaller photos, disrespectful attitude about floppy-kid disease, less complete than Goat Medicine by Mary Smith and David Sherman.

Goat Medicine
My husband is a small animal veterinarian and I am an RN (before kids and hobby farming). This book may be a bit too technical for some, but would be useful for most shepherds looking to triage their flock or individual animals. Won't replace a veterinarian :-) BUT - can help you know when to call in the professional!
This book was a gift to a granddaughter, so I don't know the effectiveness of the information contained within. Certainly had quick shipment and I am hoping it was just what she wanted.
This is the ulimate must have item for anyone raising sheep or goats. It has up-to-date information and pictures discussing and offers advice for any type of illness or emergency. Great reference. easy for laypersons to understand.

Download this book!

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