Thursday 24 February 2011

Telecom For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))

Telecom For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
| 2006-04-10 00:00:00 | | 0 | Telecommunication

Worldwide telecom spending was over $4 trillion in 2004, and virtually all 12 million businesses in the U.S. buy phone and other telecom services Our book shows people at small and medium-sized businesses how to make sense of telecom lingo and get the best deals Includes an overview of the major players in the telecom industry and an easy-to-understand explanation of the existing telecom infrastructure Helps people pinpoint the telecom services best suited to their business needs, understand billing, and troubleshoot problems Covers emerging industry trends, such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and how they can help businesses cut costs

User review
Superb book!
This book is flat out great. The author's humor and overall way of writing keeps you interested in the content all throughout the book. If you have basic to no telecom experience this book will walk you through step by step without being overally technical. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of technical information in this book as well, but it is presented in such a manner that it almost doesn't seem so technical.

The only sections I skipped were the ones on Troubleshooting. Since that topic covered such a wide range of setups and configurations, I did want to spend the time on the `theory` behind it all now. I do see that section as an excellent reference if encountered with actual real world telecom problems in the future though.

Overall I would highly suggest this book if you require incite into the world of telecom for your job or your own business.

User review
Oustanding resource for telcom consumer
This book is an outstanding resource for non-telcom professionals specifically business consumers of telcom products. I am in the telecom biz (customer service) and bought the book because my company provided absolutely no training and I have found it an invaluable resource. I highly recommend for any consumer of telecom services or for those of us just starting out working in the telecom biz who need a basic understanding of the telecom biz.

User review
Fully covers the subject with humor!!!!
This is the guide to telecom I wish I had when I first started in the business. The very first `For Dummies` manual that I read cover to cover. Great for veteran Telecom expert as well as for a newbie in the business.

User review
An excellent starting point to understanding your phone system,,.
So where was this book when I started working for Enron Broadband??? I could have used it,,. Telecom For Dummies by Stephen P. Olejniczak.


Part 1 - The ABCs of Telecom Service: A Buyer's Scoop on Telecom; Making (And Living with) Telecom Decisions; Getting Around the Telecom Neighborhood

Part 2 - Reviewing Telecom Products and Prices: Understanding Dedicated Service Requirements; Meeting Toll-Free Service, the Red-Headed Stepchild of Telecom; Getting the Non-Accountant's Guide to Your Phone Bill

Part 3 - Ordering and Setting Up Telecom Service: Ordering Regular Phone Lines and New Long-Distance Service; Ordering Dedicated Service; Ordering Toll-Free Service; Activating Your Dedicated Circuit and Toll-Free Numbers

Part 4 - Taking Care of Your Telecom System: Maintaining Your Telecom Services; Troubleshooting Switched Network Issues; Troubleshooting Your Dedicated Circuits

Part 5 - What's Hot (Or Just Geeky) in the Telecom World: Transferring Data, Not Just Voice Content; Riding The Internet Wave - VoIP

Part 6 - The Part Of Ten: Ten Acronyms and What They Really Mean; Ten Troublesome Telecom Traits to Avoid; Ten Places To Go for Hints and Help

Appendix - Making a Loopback Plug; Index

This is one of those Dummies titles that may sound a little strange at first, but quickly starts delivering the goods. The audience here is anyone who is responsible for maintaining the phone system in an organization. This could be a new technician just starting to learn the ropes, or a small business owner who needs something more than just one phone line to run their business. The author starts out with the basics of the technology and terminology, and he quickly demystifies many of the acronyms that are so common in this business. He then builds on that solid foundation to walk you through the process of determining your telecom needs and how you need to order them. And of course, when things go wrong (and they *will*), you'll have some great advice on how to troubleshoot things on your end, as well as what you'll need to know in order to help the phone company resolve things expeditiously.

Although I didn't deal directly with the network while at Enron Broadband, I built computer systems that helped people run said network. Knowing this information would have made my job infinitely easier, and I wish I had been able to have a book like this back then. I'm sure you can find all this information in other books, but I doubt it would be as clear and concise (as well as being fun to read). If you have any responsibilities for the phone system at work, this is the place to start reading,,.

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